
  • Virtual Dj Serato Skin Download Free
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 12. 04:42

    Quote: ^^yea that's true. I'm not a Virtual DJ supporter at all but there are some people are really hard core suporters of Virtual DJ. There's youtube video's of people hacking the VCI-300 and NS7 to work with VDJ. Personally I'm like WHY!?? But it just shows how hardcore people are about Virtual DJ Well you can't use ssl with the vci and ns7 now can you? The thing is the software has native mapping for most midi and hid interfaces on the market now. And that's what the new generation of dj's are into.

    So a company can either chose to 'keep it real' by honoring the old timers or sell software that that is compatible with the new dj gadgets that's been sold in stores now. Quote: I started out using VDJ, I got simple beatmatching and the idea of mixing down, and then when i was 16, I bought Traktor scratch duo, technics 1200s and a crappy mixer.

    I think there is alot to be learned from VDJ, and a little to be learned from Traktor Scratch, But an EXTREMELY HIGH amount of knowledge to be learned from SSL My point is. Is that I think this free home version will be good for alot of beginner DJs who wanna check it out before dropping 1 grand(aTleast) in gear.

    What do you learn from SSL that you dont from the other two programs? Quote: I'm going to download it tonight. I have my reasons as to why. None of which is for actual DJ purposes. But off hand. Is anyone aware if having it installed on the same computer with the Serato software causes any conflicts.

    Or does VDJ have any affect on the music files when read?? Would loading a file in VDJ possibly alter the tag info or SSL overview info that's written in the file?? Nope no conflicts with ssl - plus vdj don't write any info to mp3 files - it stores the cue point etc in a XML database. I hardly ever beatmatch by ear these days. SHOCK HORROR!!

    With all the bpm analysers, waveforms etc you should be able to throw on a track and match it within a few seconds give or take. It gives me more time to drink and have fun with everyone else at the party. If a deaf person gets his hearing back does he still read lips? But all in all Im glad to say that if there was an all vinyl throw down, I know I could get out my 12's and rock it the good old fashioned way with no problems. I wonder how many of todays DJ's could do it? Quote: But all in all Im glad to say that if there was an all vinyl throw down, I know I could get out my 12's and rock it the good old fashioned way with no problems.

    I wonder how many of todays DJ's could do it? I could I see this been used as an indication of prowess a lot these day.

    To be honest it’s more of a hint of the era you grew up. There were vinyl dj’s who were good and vinyl dj’s who sucked. Just because you owned records - it is no TRUE indication that you were a good dj. Let’s keep it real Am I lying?:) This is kinda like the older guys who boast about being able to drive a stick shift, the fact is most of the cars produced today are automatic and the majority of the driving schools teach to drive in automatic cars – so new drivers can’t be faulted for lack of knowledge of stick shift ( especially for American drivers – I know in Europe –stick shifts are still popular). Point is you can’t expect - new cats – especially dudes who starting in the last 5 years or in the emergence of the cd/mp3/digital era to BE vinyl connoisseurs.

    Quote: But when you claim to be able to mix.you must be able to do it without staring at the waveforms like a doofus. If I was new to DJ'ing & wanted to learn the craft then yes, I would definately want to be able to beatmatch by ear and be a tight mixer. When I used the vinyl throwdown point it is merely a way of saying that a hell of a lot of DJ's would be totally lost if their serato box played up and someone handed them a set's worth of records to keep the night moving. Actually - don't think anyone would be lost at all - they will be doing just the same thing are doing right now -just bring in the record and keep it moving. You are aware they are tons of paid DVS dj's still don't/can't mix and still do fine in the club scene.

    Quote: But when you claim to be able to mix.you must be able to do it without staring at the waveforms like a doofus. If I was new to DJ'ing & wanted to learn the craft then yes, I would definately want to be able to beatmatch by ear and be a tight mixer. When I used the vinyl throwdown point it is merely a way of saying that a hell of a lot of DJ's would be totally lost if their serato box played up and someone handed them a set's worth of records to keep the night moving. Actually - don't think anyone would be lost at all - they will be doing just the same thing are doing right now -just bring in the record and keep it moving.

    You are aware they are tons of paid DVS dj's still don't/can't mix and still do fine in the club scene. That post made me laugh. What the hell do you mean 'they will be doing just the same thing are doing right now -just bring in the record and keep it moving'? I am talking about mixing and blending, without a bpm tag or waveforms to help you. The rest of your message was just gobbledeygook to me and made barely no sense to me. Quote: One of the residents at my club uses VDJ.

    In the 5 years we've been mixing together, never have I seen his VDJ crash at all. And my Serato has crashed on me several times.

    Cuz he has a Mac and u have a PC LOL Nope. The other way around. He has a PC and I have a Mac. I know some guys that used Numark Cue, now Virtual DJ (because it's pretty much the same thing) with timecodes, MIDI mixers, and Video on PC originally, Mac now, that swear by it.

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    The more recent versions of VDJ are better on Macs now and generally more stable. A few strip club I've worked at run it 12pm-3am every day of the week, one uses a Numark DJIO sound card on a 2006 iMac, the other a recent model HP all in one on Win7, it just runs. For the day shifts with no DJ, the auto mix (on fade mode, not beatmix) works perfect, no gaps in the music all day. I downloaded SSL, Traktor, and VDJ. I don't have the controllers or black boxes to talk to SSL or Traktor. I have been able to get VDJ to talk to both my CDJ's and 1200's with a cheap sound card. Unfortunately scratching with serato time code vinyl on VDJ hasn't worked yet.

    I've seen it done successfully on YouTube. The cueing works fine. I'll try tweaking the calibration. Until I save up for the Serato or Traktor I'll continue to practice with VDJ. I started out driving my moms Minivan then moved up to Dads AstroVan and now I cruise in an LS1 powered sports car.

    I'll do the same with DJing. Quote: I downloaded SSL, Traktor, and VDJ.

    I don't have the controllers or black boxes to talk to SSL or Traktor. I have been able to get VDJ to talk to both my CDJ's and 1200's with a cheap sound card.

    Unfortunately scratching with serato time code vinyl on VDJ hasn't worked yet. I've seen it done successfully on YouTube. The cueing works fine. I'll try tweaking the calibration. Until I save up for the Serato or Traktor I'll continue to practice with VDJ. I started out driving my moms Minivan then moved up to Dads AstroVan and now I cruise in an LS1 powered sports car. I'll do the same with DJing.

    Did you get a kick ass DJ name yet? When I went back to club work after taking some time off I was pretty much gearless due to divorce, kids, etc. My choices were Serato/Rane which would put me over $1300.00 just to get started, or VDJ. I picked up VDJ for $300.00 and a single Denon HS5500 with built in soundcard and dual deck capability. Using the spinning platters in MIDI mode or Timecode mode, I mixed music the same way I have spun vinyl since the 80's. Not a single person in the club had an issue with VDJ, they just had a good time. Eventually, I switched over to Serato when I decided to do video and went all in with new Macbook 17, SL3, & M.E.

    (already had a 57 at the club). VDJ is made by people just as passionate about making a great product for DJs as they are at Serato/Traktor/etc. And is a pretty good product. Most people on here dissing it have never tried it. There are a lot of features it has that we would like with SSL, like custom skins, MIDI out, better library management & video effects, etc. If you consider yourself a good DJ with SSL, then you should be able to hop on and do just as good a mix with VDJ, without the learning curve of Traktor.

    I do not use it at this time and it's not perfect for my needs today, but I see no reason to diss it. Quote: I do not use it at this time and it's not perfect for my needs today, but I see no reason to diss it. People lose money because of its automix feature. A friend of mine got his hours cut at the go-go bar he works at because the owner said they don't need a dj.

    They just load up a playlist on VDJ. So now his 5 day a week gig is only friday nights. If more venues start taking this approach then more DJs will lose gigs and there will be even more undercutting and cutthroat business than normal. It's a trickle down effect. You can't just look at the surface. Quote: People lose money because of its automix feature. A friend of mine got his hours cut at the go-go bar he works at because the owner said they don't need a dj.

    They just load up a playlist on VDJ. Windows Media Player, Winamp, all those work fine for Go-go bars / strip clubs, VDJ automix wouldn't have made a bit of difference for a cheap owner who has some technical know-how. Yes, there are other options that do the same thing, but I was just giving an example of how it directly affected someone that I know. Oh man you Serato groupies crack me up.

    The home version (free) is extremely LIMITED it is only good to learn basic Djing. Otherwise it is useless outside of HOME. And now i hope all of you are ADULTS and man enough to admit and accept that the only reason SERATO is regarded as the PRO DJ software is due to their great marketing scheme. (it is great) i know i am and advertisement/marketing, major. VDJ is just as pro as trackor and serato. If anything Serato been slacking it is Falling behind.

    Hence the creation of 'SERATO DJ' and if you guys are smart enough to see it. A merger with SSL and Serato Dj is coming real soon. I really can't wait to hear what you guys are going to bash VDJ with. But i do agree that for now Serato still holds it down with the Time coded. But yes it is true VDj versions have gotten way better with the time code controll.

    Just as good and more stable then it was before. Quote: VDJ is just as pro as trackor and serato. If anything Serato been slacking it is Falling behind. Hence the creation of 'SERATO DJ' and if you guys are smart enough to see it. A merger with SSL and Serato Dj is coming real soon. I really can't wait to hear what you guys are going to bash VDJ with.

    I really can't wait to see VDJ start showing up in the clubs. 0o badass pro software it is It has been already in the clubs.

    You just might over looked it. Matter fact that VDJ and SERATO are the ones i see in CLUBS lounges and bars here in NYC more so Serato then VDJ, cause apparently Software dictates your validity as 'real DJ' yet Half of them can't Mix For shit. Oh and hardly see Tracktor in clubs. Guess it is more prevalent in straight EDM venues which i don't do. Quote: I really can't wait to see VDJ start showing up in the clubs.

    0o badass pro software it is Let's be real here. If I showed up for my gig at the club and all of a sudden my SL3 wasn't working, I could use one of the 3 other sound cards built into my equipment and use VDJ. You, sitting in the club; would not notice a single difference in the music or mixing style. I would mix using timecode, and would still have the same type of effects & tools available - looping, flanger, echo, etc. The only thing that would be different is what I have to do to make that happen - it would be transparent to everyone else, including DJs.

    Quote: I think you missing my point. All I'm saying it would be cool to see vdj as a standard dvs system in the clubs like serato and traktor. OK, my bad, I thought you were in full sarcasm mode;-) I agree with that.

    I don't think the software deserves a bad rap, some of the people who use it do, for sure (as with any DVS). I am also not approving of the sync-only DJs. I feel they lower the bar because they not only haven't taken the time to learn to mix properly, they usually haven't taken the time to learn everything else about DJing - music history, song structure, floor rotation, in key mixing, etc. What you use is not important - skill level is.

    Using sync to live mix 6 different components of a house track in traktor is one thing, using sync to mix Pitbull into Nicki Minaj is another. Quote: Bottom line.

    Use what works for you and do what u do. Just don't be lazy and look for shortcuts instead of practicing. Use technology as a tool and not as a crutch (nm) I agree 100% I use VDJ for videos, and yes I do use it at clubs.

    VDJ is light years ahead when it comes to video, and that includes ME. Most people that bash VDJ's capabilities are those that have only seen or experienced its bootlegged version.

    VDJ support 99% of MIDI capable devices out there. It can use any soundcard including SL. I also use SL cause it is just way better at handling DVS. This is where Serato SL really shines and beats out Traktor and VDJ. Traktor is awesome with effects and its integration with Maschine for remixing. It is why a lot of EDM DJs favor this set up.

    Every software has its merits. Personally, I use VDJ at clubs/bars where I spin videos. I use Serato if I am using turntables. I like both software equally and recognize its strong suit and its short comings. I would never say a DJ is a beginner just cause he uses a software that is not widely used.

    This is one of some other ways on how to read, import and use serato crates in Virtual DJ or shall we say 'HOW TO USE THE SERATO CRATES IN VIRTUAL DJ' Some of you may ask why the new version of the Virtual DJ can not locate the exact location of the serato crates, it is because after few years that Virtual DJ users had benefited it using this awesome supports serato changed the directory on the upgrade it was started i think after the serato v1.6 and the current version of Virtual DJ is still directed into that serato 'scratchLIVE' folder. Now after looking into some experiment based on the comparison of the previous and new version of the serato i have found out that there is a changes in the serato directory from 'scratchLIVE' to 'serato' so thats why Virtual DJ can not locate the folder where the crates are stored. So this is what we are going to do.

    Since the Virtual DJ did some inputs in the programs itself to be able to read serato crates we will let Virtual DJ see and read this folder again by recreating the old folder of serato 'scratchLIVE ' and copying all files form serato to this folder, I advised you to backup your serato folder first and don't delete anything as we are only copying its contains meaning an exact files duplication is being made. So here it is, See below the step by step screen shots to guides you how to hack and import the serato crates into the 'scratchLIVE' folder. Quote: Understood, but the fact that there's no interface included puts their cost more on par with DAWs than DVS (fiscally speaking). If you want to use it you -still- have to buy/own a soundcard/controller in addition to the software (unless you want to use your computer's 1/8th out ), which brings the total cost of actually using VDJ Pro 7 much higher. But you could just as easily buy a low cost 4 4 asio card, connect it to your mixer, and be done with it. This comes to mind.

    Quote: This comes to mind: I doubt that you could use turntables with that considering it only has 2 inputs. That does raise a question though; when picking a soundcard, if you want to use turntables you'd have to pick one with built-in phono preamps (or invest in a phono-line converter), correct? I was more looking at it for the outputs to a mixer. They would indeed need more inputs for turntables or even a CDJ, but I'd imagine that most persons purchasing Virtual DJ would likely not be concerned about this as they'd already have the necessary materials (or are using a USB mixer). Though, I'd imagine most persons using Virtual DJ are most likely using it with a controller. Quote: I could probably use it with my Xone DX, but the price is way too damn high when Traktor does mostly the same thing for a fraction of the price. That said, I would like to hear what their key lock algorithm sounds like and I wonder if you could connect 2 (or more) controllers to the same computer to control 4/6/12/99 decks.

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    That would be kinda sweet. YOu can connect more then one controller. VDj at 300 $ still a solid price. You can also just buy the 4in 4 out sound card from hercules it is about 200-300 bucks and it comes with VDJ PRO i believe.

    Might be wrong. Also Vdj is open to just about any MIDI hardware so the choice is yours.

    In contrast to Serato. YOU MUST HAVE A SERATO BOX in order to use it. That is about 500-900 $ for a box. Comes down to pick your poison. Quote: Understood, but the fact that there's no interface included puts their cost more on par with DAWs than DVS (fiscally speaking).

    If you want to use it you -still- have to buy/own a soundcard/controller in addition to the software (unless you want to use your computer's 1/8th out ), which brings the total cost of actually using VDJ Pro 7 much higher. Actually that depends.

    VDJ can use ANY sound card out there. When I first got VDJ 2.5 years ago, I was transitioning out of Traktor, so I already had a Audio4. This worked with VDJ.

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    Now, when I transitioned to Serato, I had to get a Serato Box which was $499.

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